Building a clientele: Part one

Gain, Retain, Maintain, Repeat…..sounds like a work out routine, right??

In this blog series, we will be covering essentials necessary for a thriving business: gaining, retaining, and maintaining clients. So let’s take it one step at a time!

Part 1 of building a clientele is to begin the “gain” process.

How do you gain clients? 

If you are a freelance artist you will begin by informing everyone you know that you have a freelance business where you apply makeup for brides, prom, homecoming, print ads, etc. Of course social media is the best option for marketing to the masses. You may decide to keep your personal accounts for your new business or create new ones to stay fluid with your branding. 

Your social media platform should be able to deliver your message.

Think about what social media platform will optimize your impact as a new business. If you plan on showcasing photos of your work, it makes sense to open an Instagram account rather than a Twitter account.  If your focus is on delivering information and spreading awareness, Facebook might be a better option.

Whatever you choose, you better yell it from the rooftops that you are now OPEN FOR BUSINESS!

We will assume you have all your business processes in order (take a look at the blog posts here and here if you do not) and a solid brand that aligns with the clientele you are seeking. 

You are ready to start “gaining” a clientele once you have a few simple things completed:

  1. A way for clients to contact you (phone or email): Your contact information should be everywhere! IN your Instagram bio, in your “about section” on Facebook, your Linked In, and your website. It’s also a good idea to use a design app like Word Swag or A Beautiful Mess to add your info on any photos or graphics you create for social media.
  2. A way for clients to view your work: Think outside of the box here! YES, as an artist you should have a website but, what else? Albums in Facebook? Instagram is a given. Did you ever consider Pinterest? Did you know you can pin images of your work and use SEO strategies to gain a following? Not only will you be found on Pinterest, you’ll also be found via the major search engines, like Google. You can read more about that here.
  3. A way to collect money: How are you accepting payment? There are a million different options! We recommend Shopify for its ease of use multiple membership options.
  4. A system for booking clients- Once you have clients knocking down your door, how to you keep track of the appointments! How do you enable the clients to book appointments themselves? We have recommended Stylie One or Booker depending on your needs.

 After tackling the logistics of the first 4 steps, you will be ready for the next part of this process!

That’s it for now! Focus on the above and next week we will continue with gaining, retaining, and maintaining clientele. 


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